Multichannel analysis of surface waves equipment
is available to rent.
Let us know what type of seismograph you need. Geophones are available from as low as 4.5 Hz and up to 14 Hz. Cables are available with 12 takeouts per cable and 24 takeouts per cable. The spacing between takeouts range 10 to 20 feet. Two 12 takeout cables can be spliced with an adapter. For surveys conducted along roadways or areas with fairly clear and level access a landstreamer may work well. The landstreamer is often difficult to tow and get planted on the ground in areas with rough terrain.
As discussed, multichannel analysis of surface waves is a popular method for determining shear wave velocities. However, MASW is not the only geophysical method. To determine P-wave velocities a seismic refraction survey is often conducted. Seismic reflection methods are capable of imaging much greater depths then MASW or seismic refraction methods. Geophysical investigations needing to characterize the presence of groundwater or other contamination may provide better results with an electrical resistivity survey. Resistivity imaging is another popular geophysical method that offers great detail. In comparison, neither of these two methods are the likely choice for locating buried metal. Geonics EM-61, EM-31, EM-38, and Geometrics magnetometers offer geophysical instruments that are sensitive to buried metal like a drum or underground storage tank. With good site conditions, ground penetrating radar or GPR is capable of producing detailed images of the subsurface. Many of these other geophysical methods fall under the category of engineering geophysics. Click here for information about engineering geophysics.
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To rent geophysical equipment for mulitchannel analysis of surface waves MASW
Call 262-442-6327

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